Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Weekly Rest and Reflection ~ Torah

Learning how to study the Whole Word of Yahweh has been very helpful in understanding what the New Testament, otherwise known as the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Hadashah) actually is about.  There is an actual plan of study each week, starting with a portion (Parashah) of Torah, which is the first five books in the Bible, then a reading from the prophets or writings, called the Haftarah and if you are a believer in Yeshua the Messiah you end with a reading from the Renewed Covenant.

For example, this weeks portion is Exodus 35:1-38:20, it is called Vayak'hel which is Hebrew for "he assembled" and comes from the first verse, as do all the names of the portions.  This portion starts with a restatement of the command to keep the Sabbath (Shabbat), going into the building of the Tabernacle (Mishkan).  It is interesting to point out that out of the WHOLE congregation it was those with willing hearts who offered items for the much so they had to be stopped and that it was  those who had wise hearts who actually did the building.  There were those who did neither.  This is still the pattern today with people in the congregation.  This portion also introduces us to the man named B'tzal'el, whose name means "in the shadow (or image) of EL (God) and who is from the tribe of Judah and is the one who builds the Tabernacle.  Oholi'av, whose name means 'tent of the father' and who is from the tribe of Dan, is the teacher and assistant for the building of the Tent of the Father.  This is very exciting to learn about as we begin to see the connections from the beginning that Yeshua was making with the two on the road to Emmaus!  This is the Gospel of Yeshua. 

The Torah is not a confusing compilation of stories after all.  It is our foundation.  The wise man built his house upon a rock (Matt. 7:24-27)...that rock is the Torah, Yeshua is that Torah made flesh who dwelt (tabernacled) among us.  If we love Him we are to keep his commandments...what are these commandments?  They are Torah.  It really is that simple and we, as people, have a tendency to make it hard.  His commands are not hard.  (1 John 5:3)  If we love Him, we keep His commands.  This is out of love, not to save us.  We are saved by grace as was Noah and his family from the destructive flood.  We are saved by grace, because Yahweh is 'merciful and compassionate, slow to anger, rich in grace and truth...' (Exodus 34:6)  Yahweh never changes, he has always been merciful and gracious to us, from the very beginning through the generations since to today.  Thanks be to Yahweh for His indescribable gift!  Yes and Amen! 

~May Yahweh bless you and keep you this week!

For more about the Gospel of Yeshua check out 119 Ministries teachings, they also have transcripts for most of their teachings, here are a couple links:

What is the Gospel? Part 1
What is the Gospel? Part 2

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