The word offering in Hebrew is korban, the root of this word means specifically, to draw to offer up something to Yahweh is to be able to draw near to Him. That was the whole point of the offerings and still is the whole point of the offerings. How does this apply to us? Understanding the offerings helps us understand Yahweh and how we should approach Him. He is the same yesterday, today and forever...
Here is a little about what we have learned on offerings.
Leviticus 1 - Olah offering - elevation offering, complete burnt offering, voluntarily given from the heart, what are we to give voluntarily from the heart to Yahweh? Us. All of who we are. How? By loving Yahweh and loving others as we love ourselves. Yeshua is an olah offering, he voluntarily laid his life down for us, he is our example of how to live Torah. Yeshua said, "If you love me; you will keep my commands" (John 14:15, Romans 12:1)
Leviticus 2 - Minchah offering - grain offering, voluntarily given from the heart, part offered, part kept by priests. Seasoned with salt, the salt of the covenant. (Lev 2:13) Salt is very important here, we are to be salt to the earth (Matt 5:13, Mark 9:49-50) Salt is a purifier a preserver, we are to be pure and preserve the Torah, the Gospel of Yeshua. Yeshua is the grain offering. Bread of Life. And He (Yeshua) took the bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying," This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of me". (Luke 22:19)
Leviticus 3 - Shalamim offering - Peace offering, voluntarily given, shared with priests the persons bringing it and Yahwah, the Passover is a peace offering, Fellowship offering. Fellowship one with another, restore and build up the whole house of at peace one with another...reconcile differences in walking out Torah. Yeshua is our Passover, we have passed from death to life in Him. (Ephesians 2, Ezekiel 37:15-19)
These first three offerings have many choices, they are free will, from the heart, voluntary offerings. Every offering of an animal was unblemished, the grain offering was of the best. We are to bring our best before Yahweh, always, with a cheerful heart, not grudgingly.
Leviticus 4 - Chat'at offering - Sin offering, mandatory offering for unintentional sin...For all have sinned...(Romans 3:23) It is completely burnt up, in two places, the main part being outside the camp. Yeshua is our sin offering (Ephesians 2, Colossians 1:14-29, Hebrews 13:11-12)
Leviticus 5 - Asham - guilt offering, mandatory, like sin offering totally burnt up in two places, the main part being 'outside the camp'. For a status change from being guilty of sin to being restored. If it was something stolen, damaged, lost, etc. it was to be restored and increased by one-fifth. Yeshua is our guilt offering..."Father forgive them for they don't know what they are doing". (Luke 23:34)
These two offerings are limited in the choices as they relate to sin. We are limited to our choices when we sin, there is a mandatory repentance to restore us to right relationship with Yahweh before we can approach Him with our voluntary offerings. Again, every offering was unblemished, the best there can be.
So much has been lost to us and is now being restored, very quickly. I am amazed at how much is available to us in this time.
Shavuah tov!
To learn more please visit:
Sheepfold Gleanings *
Torah portion 'comentary' for this week, Vayikra
119 Ministries *
Apologetics from a Hebrew perspective, very Berean. "Test Everything" is their motto and their hope is that we all do our homework.
*(Any sites I link to does not necessarily imply that I agree 100% with everything they teach, we are all learning and none of us has all the answers. You know?)
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