There is a great wealth of information in the world today, and thanks to the internet it is right at our fingertips. For me, this has been most helpful over the years as I have struggled to find gems of truth among the dross and mud that has covered the narrow way and made it hard to see.
Some of the things we have learned together as a family and alongside our friends have been paradigm shifts. From learning about the pagan origins or outright apostasy of so much of our belief system, to learning about and keeping God's appointed feasts and the foods we should eat for our health, it has been quite a journey and it isn't over....I am thankful for this journey, even when it is overwhelmingly hard and all I can do is sit on the couch watching Julian Smith or Messy Monday videos to make me laugh at life again!
Today is one of those days where everything has caught up to me, and although I have only watched one video today as my computer balks at anything I do these days (being it is 8 years old), I have played Spider Solitaire THREE times and checked Facebook FIVE times! All intermixed in with making breakfast smoothies, swimming lesson, water kefir, granola, trip to Walmart, Safeway, & Settler's Market, laundry, dinner, and cleaning the kitchen! It has been a I must go for a walk....but, I just wanted to jot something down to let you know I am still here and thinking of what to write next.....